Defining an organisation’s readiness to provide legal help to people with disability | Article
Key Finding 5 Defining an organisation’s readiness to provide comprehensive and competent legal assistance to people with disability presents several challenges. An integral aspect of this readiness lies in whether the organisation possesses the necessary specialist knowledge on relevant legal matters. Importantly, this expertise should not be limited to a single individual within the organisation; […]
Legal problem types specific to people with disability | Article
Key Finding 4 This key finding looks at legal problem types specific to people with disability. In Western Australia, individuals with disability encounter distinct legal issues that require comprehensive understanding and proactive solutions. These concerns span several topics, including guardianship and administration, restricted practices, NDIS service agreements, sexual harassment, disability discrimination, supported decision making, […]
Legal problem types and severity for people with disability | Article
Key Finding 3 Legal problem types and severity for people with disability in Western Australia present a compelling case for customised support and services Individuals with disabilities often encounter a unique mix of legal problems, accentuated by disability-specific factors. These range from issues related to discrimination, healthcare, social services, and financial management to housing and […]
Mechanisms to accessing legal assistance | Article
Key Finding 2 The key finding highlights the importance of developing tailored mechanisms to facilitate access to legal assistance for individuals in Western Australia, particularly those who experience disability and other forms of disadvantage (Department of Communities). Mechanisms refer to the various services and solutions designed to assist individuals in accessing legal support. Access to […]
Intersectionality and legal problem severity | Article
Key Finding 1 Our study in Western Australia sheds light on the profound relationship between intersectionality and legal problem severity for individuals with disabilities (Kalico Consulting for the WA Collaborative Services Planning Group, 2017). Intersectionality, a concept originating from social sciences, particularly from the work of scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in the late 1980s, refers to […]
Become a Guardian or Administrator for a Person with Disabilities | Article
The Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 allows the appointment of guardians who can protect the rights and well-being of adults who have difficulties making decisions. These disabilities may be due to: Intellectual disability Mental illness Acquired brain injury Dementia The law empowers the State Administrative Tribunal to appoint guardians to represent adults with decision-making disabilities. […]
Enduring Power of Guardianship | Article
An Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG) is a special paper that gives someone you choose the power to make big decisions for you if you ever can’t make them yourself. These decisions can be about your personal life, the way you live and the treatment you receive. An Enduring Power of Guardianship (EPG) helps protect […]
Information Sheet for Families on the Authorisation of Restrictive Practices | Article
This information sheet is for families of people with disabilities. It is one of a series of sheets that explains the “Authorisation of Restrictive Practices in Funded Disability Services Policy” in Western Australia. The policy started on December 1, 2020. The information will help everyone understand the policy better. For further detailed information please refer […]
Regulated Restrictive Practices in Western Australia | Article
A ‘restrictive practice’ is any kind of help or action that limits the freedom or rights of a person with a disability. Restrictive practices are actions taken to keep people safe when someone with a disability is showing challenging behaviour. If necessary, these practices should follow these guidelines: Used as a last resort to prevent […]
Making a Service Agreement | Article
What is a Service Agreement? When you say yes to using your NDIS money to pay for help, you and the person who helps you make a deal together. This deal is called a service agreement. It is covered by a law in Australia that protects people who buy things or get services. It’s a […]